Create your IPSC stage quickly and easily!
Allows you to prepare your stage quickly and very simply.
You will find multiple elements and objects, which will allow you to be creative while having fun!
TSV STAGE MAKER offers very easy to use functionalities,
just drag and drop the objects you want in the defined area.
Calculates points, target number and hit number is done automatically!
You can add your IPSC club logo!
When your creation is completed !, you can download, save or store it in your account as a PDF !
You can also generate imoprt files for the WinMSS application (official IPSC application),
for saving a lot of time to prepare your IPSC matches.
You can ask us for other targeting or decoration elements and we will be happy to add them for you!!!!
Drag and drop! all your targeting and decor elements thanks to the drag and drop interaction!
Paper targets, steel targets and various and varied unusual objects.
Online stage storage in your personal account!
Download your stage directly to your PC!
Making available IPSC documents in a click!
IPSC Targer Guide, IPSC Rule Books division HandGun / PCC, ShotGun and Rifle.
When you dragged elements in the stage area the number of points, the number of shots and the number of targets by type, The table fills up as you create your stage.
You can ask me for other targeting or decor elements and I will be happy to add them for you !
When you create match, All the stages created will be in this match, you can stop and resume the creation of stages for the same match, or associate stage with other matches.
When you create a match and stages, XML files will be created to import them into the WinMSS application so you will optimize, facilitate and speed up the preparation of your matches !
Download WinMSS
Upload your stage elements, to personalize, customize your stages so that your scenario look like of reality.
You can rotate the elements you want with one click.